Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Mediums of the iPod Touch

The iPod Touch is a device that represents all five senses through its different uses. It is a fascinating thing, in that it can represent mediums to the individual and to multiple people through just one of them.

The primary objective of iPods have always been to play music. But "music" is such a restrictive term, as it does not fully encapsulate what kind of communication that the audio files put on an iPod. Of course, music is a fantastic way to broadcast ideas and views to the masses, moreso than speeches and the like. By putting words to a tune, the message that is contained in the song is much more accessible to the public, as it makes it easier to remember and recite. In addition, non-song files can also spread messages to the public. College professors can record lectures and put them up for download. Speeches can be converted into digital files, as can books and radio shows.

In addition, the iPod Touch can also play movie files and downloadable video games, which take the music experience futher. Both forms can take an idea, but are not restricted by being audio only. Movies can display ideas and communication, but they have the added bonus of visuals, which makes explanations easier to convey. The next step up is the video game. Video games take the idea of movies further by allowing the user to interact with its universe.

The Ipod Touch, though, is a multifaceted tool, and in fact is almost a miniature computer. Through different applications, one can communicate with the world, despite the fact the Touch has no microphone. The included internet browser and wi-fi access allows anyone, without even downloading a thing, to communicate with the world. Access to sites like Facebook and Twitter can allow an Ipod Touch user to communicate with the world through text. Downloadable applications can enhance the communication. The Facebook application and Twitter applications can streamline the access to the sites and make communication easier. Other applications like AIM can allow people to directly communicate with other people via text immediately, even if they are on the other side of the world.

So, despite the fact that on a Touch one cannot see or talk to another person, they can still communicate with the world in a number of ways.

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